The yearly Greek psych magazine TimeMazine 88pages (all in English) has a 10 page interview with Sam. It's just come out. TimeMazine is by the Time Lords of Radio Tripolis Greece...a real labour of love. The zine comes with a cd with songs of those interviewed too.. includes Blindman recorded in 2009 in Rubigen Switzerland with Greek references by Peter. There are also interviews with Gary Duncan of Quicksilver, Gary Lee Yoder of Oxford Circle and Kak and Cork Marcheschi of Fifty Foot Hose besides Finchley Boys, United Travel Service and a Greek band the 4 Levels of Existence and others too.
Διαβάζοντας το τι τράβηξε αυτός ο άνθρωπος από το «σύστημα», αρκεί για να νοιώθεις ρίγος κάθε φορά που τον ακούς. Μας έκανε την τιμή και πέρασε από την πατρίδα μας σε χαλεπούς καιρούς.
Θα επαναλάβω το κείμενο που είχα γράψει στη μοναδική μου ανάρτηση για του Elevatorsγια την οποία μετάνιωσα ειλικρινά.
"......Από πολύ καιρό σκεπτόμουν αν θα έπρεπε να ανεβάσω κάποιο κάποιο Lp των 13th Floor Elevators λόγω της περιπέτειας της υγείας του Roky Erickson. Ευτυχώς ανέκαμψε πλήρως στην υγεία του σύμφωνα με τα όσα έχω διαβάσει, ανακτώντας όλα τα δικαιώματα. Εκτιμώ ότι μέσα σε αυτά θα είναι και τα δικαιώματα από τους δίσκους.
Είναι λογικό να μου πει κάποιος, καλά ρε φίλε τόσους και τόσους δίσκους ανέβασες, η «πειρατεία» του Rocky θα σε πειράξει? Θα του πω πως ναι μεν έχει δίκιο αλλά την περίπτωση του Erickson την αισθάνομαι διαφορετικά, αφού το σύστημα προσπάθησε με κάθε τρόπο να τον εξαφανίσει διελύοντας το πολυτιμότερο αγαθό που έχει ο άνθρωπος. Την υγεία του. Έτσι όπως έμπλεξε και τον τεράστιο Arthur Lee των Love χρόνια αργότερα (του την φύλαγαν εκτιμώ) μόνο που αυτόν τον έστειλαν φυλακή.
Όπως και να έχει ακόμα και οι «πειρατές» έχουν κάποιες αναστολές. Θεωρείστε πως αυτή είναι μία από αυτές που έχω για κάποια πρόσωπα που εκτιμώ πως «περπάτησαν» την μουσική πολύ παραπέρα από κάποιους άλλους άχρηστους που απολαμβάνουν προνόμια και χρήμα με ουρά..."
Σε αυτή την ιστοσελίδα διάβασα απόψεις που διακατέχονται από αγνά μουσικά αισθήματα και σεβασμό. Μπράβο στο παληράτι που τα έγραψε
This was the decade when music wasent really connected with money. Music was to make a point, make a change. But we can all hope that music in the future will be like this.
Με σχετική δυσκολία μάζεψα από το νετ ότι διαθέσιμο υπήρχε από αυτό το γκρουπάκι που έβγαλε τρία και μόνο 45αρια. Το διάσημο κομμάτι τους, αυτό δηλαδή που ξέρουν όλοι είναι το πράγματι εξαιρετικό NaturallyStoned.
Δεν ξέρω όμως πόσοι έχουν ακούσει το Revelation’sRevelations, το οποίο και στάθηκε η αιτία να ασχοληθώ περαιτέρω με αυτούς, για να κάνω το ανέβασμα στο blog. Ακούστε το και πιστεύω ότι θα σας αρέσει εξίσου ωστόσο κινείται σε πιο ήρεμο κλίμα. Νομίζω πως ήταν σφόδρα αδικημένο για να συμπληρώνει το FlyWithMe.
Ως περαιτέρω πληροφορίες για τα μέλη:
a. Chuck Woolery (born March 16, 1940) is a popular game show host. One of the most recognizable faces in game show television, he has hosted Wheel of Fortune (1975-1981), Love Connection (1983-1993 (est.)), Scrabble (1984-1990, 1993), The Home and Family Show (1996-97, co-host), Greed (1999-2000), The Dating Game (1999 update), and Lingo (2002-present). In addition, he was the subject of a reality show, (2003). Woolery was born in Ashland, Kentucky and grew up an avid fisherman. Και πολλά περισσότερα εδώ Στο σαιτ που διαθέτει δεν υπάρχει μουσική αναφορά για το παρελθόν.
b. Ο Elkin "Bubba" Fowlerέπαιζε μπάντζο, μπάσο, κιθάρα στο τουρ τουLeonardCohenπου βγήκε διπλό Lpμε τίτλο LiveAtTheIsleofWight 1970 αλλά και σε ένα άλλο με τίτλο SongsofLoveandHateαπό το τουρ TheArmy.
1Yellow Beads/Honey And Gall(Columbia 4-44388)Dec. 1967 -
2Naturally Stoned/Honey And Gall(Columbia 4-44590)Jul. 1968 40 (Produced by Billy Sherrill)
3Fly With Me/Revelations Revelations(Columbia 4-44701)Dec. 1968 130
1. The Avant-Garde was an American psychedelic pop group formed by Chuck Woolery and Elkin "Bubba" Fowler in 1967. They released three singles on Columbia Records in 1967 and 1968, backed by different session musicians on each release: "Yellow Beads", "Naturally Stoned" (which hit #40 on the BillboardHot 100 charts in mid 1968)[1], and "Fly With Me". Despite the success of "Naturally Stoned", the group disbanded after "Fly With Me" and never released a full album.
2. This band is best known for Naturally Stoned which hit the Billboard chart at No. 40. and is best described as orchestrated 'psychedelic pop' (the lyrics may be psychedelic but the music is pop) with the backing sounding like a James Bond-type movie theme. It is the flip side which has been compiled however: Honey and Gall resurfacing on Psychedelic Unknowns Vol. 8 (LP & CD) and being an unusual and captivating hippie-psychedelic effort.
Yellow Beads is also dreamy acoustic hippie-pop in their unique style. The final 45 reverts to more standard orchestrated pop format effort on Fly With Me but is rescued by the electrified folk-pop flip.
All their material was composed by B. Fowler or C. Woolery, who it turns out is none other than Chuck Woolery, who would later become one of America's top game show hosts-- he was the original emcee of "Wheel of Fortune" before adding his brand of smarminess to the matchmaking "Love Connection".
Και επειδή ο λόγος για το NaturalStonedνα παραθέσω και τους στίχους.
It seems the days We spent together All too quickly fade away And even now My lonely mind is full Of thoughts of yesterday
The say grow up Put your mind on What you have to do But I know I can never Make it, baby, without you
[CHORUS] I can feel a good vibration When I put my mind on you alone I can get a real sensation Feel like I'm naturally stoned Naturally stoned
And now they say It's time for me to face The troubled world alone But I know I can never do it While I'm standing on my own
There's just one thing that They do not seem to understand Why can't they get it Through their heads I need a helping hand
Ψύλλους στα άχυρα. Αυτό έψαχνα ουσιαστικά για ώρες προσπαθώντας να βρω πληροφορίες για αυτό το γκρουπ. Ούτε λόγος για μία φωτό το δισκάκι τους καθώς το μόνο που βρήκα είναι πως κάποτε την 1η Ιουνίου το 1971 (Hayward Daily Review May 27, 1971), θα έπαιζαν με άλλα δύο «πασίγνωστα» γκρουπ. Ακόμα και όσα αναγράφονται στην συλλογή Crystalize Your Mind δεν λένε κάτι περισσότερο από όσα βρήκα.
Από κει ξεχώρισα την «φωτό» που φαίνεται με το δισκάκιόπως και τις σημειώσεις για το γκρουπ. Ερέθισμα για το σκάλισμα για όλα αυτά η κομματάρα You're Bringing Me Down, το οποίο όμως κάτι μου θυμίζει που δε μπορώ να βρω. Γνωστός ήχος γαμώτο.
Ξεκίνησαν ως The Dutch Masters και έγιναν The Transatlantic Train.
Αν υπάρχουν επιζώντες από το γκρουπ και μας ανακαλύψουν, ίσως πουν καμιά δυο κουβέντες.
The Dutch Masters
Bob Buccelli Steve Bayard Tom Mullenix Dennis Brown Tony Costa
A folk-rock band from Monterey, they have one previously unreleased cut from 1966 titled "In My Way" on the Big Beat comp Good Things Are Happening.
The Transatlantic Train
Transatlantic Train were from the Monterey area. The group were originally The Dutch Masters. They changed their name to Transatlantic Train sometime in 1966. The line-up of the group was probably Bob Buccelli, Steve Bayard, Tom Mullenix, Dennis Brown and Tony Costa.
Transatlantic Train recorded at Golden State Recorders in San Francisco in early 1967 and released one single later in that year. The group continued performing with varying personnel until 1969 but did not release any further recordings.
Tracks 1. Transatlantic Train - The Train 2. Transatlantic Train - You're Bringing Me Down 3. Transatlantic Train - She Was A Lady
Σαββατοκύριακο ενόψει, εν αναμονή του κρύου σε 10 μέρες που θα είναι δυνατό (άντε μήπως δούμε στην κυριολεξία μία άσπρη μέρα), με χρόνο για ψάξιμο στα γνωστά λημέρια για κανένα καλό τραγουδάκι.
Το γκρουπάκι που ανεβάζω σήμερα το βρήκα πριν τρία χρόνια στο ατέλειωτο και άκρως διδακτικό garagehangover και μου άρεσε. Στο μεταξύ παρατηρούσα τα σχόλια της ανάρτησης όπου επί μήνες όλο και ξεφύτρωνε κάποιος από τα μέλη του γκρουπ δίνοντας πληροφορίες, μερικές από τις οποίες και αντέγραψα εδώ.
I'm Ken Haywood, the guitarist for the Bondsmen. This site has me thinking about the period between 1964 and 1970. Very interesting times and music.
Some thoughts on The Bondsmen... The 1967-68 lineup was:
Jim Bowen - bass & backup vocals - Jim lives in Charlotte, NC. We keep in touch and see each other on occasion. He played in classic rock bands around Charlotte in the 70's and 80's. I don't know if he's still playing now. Jim had the Hagstrom III bass that matched my
Tim Hutchinson - trumpet & backup vocals - I haven't seen or heard from Tim since probably 1970. At that time I think he was in school and teaching music in Greensboro, NC.
Phillip Pearson - drums & flugelhorn - We did a version of "Love Is Blue" w/ trumpet and flugelhorn. "Phil Lee" lives in Nashville, TN and has had a successful music career. He has recorded a couple of highly acclaimed CD's in the folk-country-rock genre. It's been several years since we've talked.
Archie Thomas - vocals - I always considered Archie to be the band's main attraction. He was a great singer and everybody loved him. In the mid 70's, I recruited Archie to sing with the Castaways, a local R&B/Beach group. He sang with us for a short time, but work and family had to come first. What a great vocalist and good friend.
Gene Galligan - keyboards and vocals - Probably the one guy in the bunch that I figured would NOT be involved in music later in life. I had to beg him to play!!! I still remember Gene doing "The Ballad of Ira Hayes" one Gene was more classically inclined so I can remember trying to get him to simplify and stay out of the guitar's way! Just kidding... We email and keep in touch.
John Santa - Guitarist and songwriter - Although never an "on stage" member, he was a true inspiration and great friend. I knew that the UNC Journalism School gig would do weird things to ya...Bluegrass...did you say Bluegrass? John, if you read this, we really have to get together so you can straighten me out...
Ken Haywood - Guitarist & vocals - I have been playing guitar and bass since 1963. I've done the Garage Rock to Soul/Disco to country Rock back to R&B Dance and currently play in a Society/Wedding band. Can you imagine playing Sinatra's "The Way You Look Tonight" and then 10 seconds later ripping into Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog? Holy crap! Been full circle and enjoyed most of it...
After Jim, Tim, Gene, and John left for college, The Bondsmen regrouped and continued performing for about another year and a half. The band also logged more time in the studio. This time a Raleigh, NC facility called Audiophonics. However, there were no singles released. We did get some local radio play of our "Got To Be Myself" recording written by Hubert Deans.
The 1969-70 lineup was: Archie Thomas - vocals Phillip Pearson - drums Jim Ward - bass Hubert Deans - keyboards Ken Haywood - guitar
Εδώ ένα άλλο μέλος γράφει:
I am john santa, the writer of Our Time To Try. great to hear from mike hollander as well. gene and i have had some communication and he is still playing music as is ken i believe. archie i haven't seen in years but he was not singing or performing at all the last time i heard from him which is a shame cause boy he was a great vocalist and performer. i have no idea what happened to jim (bass) or tim (trumpet) or if they're even still playing music but i hope so. phil pearson is, in fact, performing under the stage name phil lee and was at one point doing some stuff (i believe) with or around neil young and some of his people. i occasionally hear from phil as he is in town to see his daughter, but it has been years since the last contact. after college i released an album of original material on Moonlight Records called (as mike hollander mentioned) "Rainmaker" by the John Santa Band which consisted of myself, john ballew, steve wyrick, whitney french and shepp wasdell. It did fairly well at the time and can now be found in bargain cut out bins all across this great country. (so much for fame and fortune.) i have remained in the music business and write music for film and TV. i play about 18 instruments now and the book that gene galligan mentions is about my foray into the world of Bluegrass music called "Bluegrass Is My Second Language: A Year In The Life Of An Accidental Bluegrass Musician." it is available at and has gotten very good reviews (i am proud to say) and has sold so well there will be a second edition out in mid 2008. in response to it's popularity, we are currently at work putting the book on CD (no release date as yet) AND are at work on a music CD called "The Blessing Of The Strings: Songs From The Book Bluegrass Is My Second Language." it features my original songs as well as originals from the members of the Bluegrass band i play with called EIGHTwentythree. (we took our name from the first day we ever played together: 8/23/01.) jeff wiseman is on banjo and lead vocals, greg eldred on lead vocal and guitar, keith carroll on acoustic (upright) bass and vocals. i play primarily mandolin, guitar, some dobro, harmonica (an instrument i learned to play for the Bondsmen btw) and a little cello on the album and also sing lead. this CD will be out in april or may of 2008. sorry to go on so long (it's why my book is 512 pages long!!) but i am hoping to get some updates on some of the other players on here and find out what paths we all, without what i just wrote, none of what i say next would make much sense: mike hollander wrote of the day jim bowen came into Northern High School with a box of records to sell and said it was electric.well it WAS but not nearly so much as the morning my clock radio went off and WSSB radio of durham north carolina announced a band called the Bondsmen (the name was suggested by drummer george outlaw another NHS student btw) had released a new record and here is one of the songs on it, Our Time To lie in bed as a high school senior and be awakened so unexpectedly by a song i had written and recorded with these incredibly talented musicians who happened to be my best friends was electrifying beyond my words to describe. that moment literally changed my life forever and undoubtedly started me down the path i walk today with music so much a HUGE part of my life.