Απολογούμαι για τις μέρες απουσίας, αλλά οι
υποχρεώσεις αυξάνονται πλέον με γεωμετρική πρόοδο. Λοιπόν ένα δισκάκι που δεν «παίζει»
πολύ στο νετ και πρέπει να υπάρχει. Είναι πολύ καλό. Ανέβασα δυο τραγούδια στο youtube που δεν υπήρχαν
να πάρετε γεύση. Για πληροφορίες σκάλισα ότι υπήρχε και σας τα παραθέτω. Δεν
αναγράφεται κάπου στα Αγγλικά κείμενα , αλλά ο δίσκος του κυκλοφόρησε το Νοέμβριο
του 1968.
Να περνάτε και να περνάμε όλοι καλά δηλαδή όσο
καλά μας αφήνουν να περνάμε όλα αυτά τα αχόρταγα τσακάλια που μας έχουν περιτριγυρίσει.
Originally from Philadelphia,
he began singing and composing songs while still a student at the University of Colorado
in Boulder. It
was small clubs in and around Boulder
that he first started singing professionally appearing with people like Judy
Collins, Odetta and others. Their encourage ment led Andy to New York City where he met Janis Ian, who was
impressed enough to introduce him to her manager. He was signed to a contract,
and Janis Ian produced his forst album "Patterns of Reality" on the Philadelphia label.
1) According to a comment in "Rate Your Music"
Andy Robinson was originally from Philadelphia.
"Patterns Of Reality" (Philips PHS 600-289 / 1968) was recorded in L.A. and is full of
well-crafted songs that hang together well. One might miss some rough edges but
Andy Robinson's ambition wasn't to do a lo-fi album. On the negative side are
some loungy moves at the end on some of his songs ("Are You Sleeping"
and "Maiden Voyage" in particular), especially when he let's his
studio pro's loose. All in all this is an album well worth hearing not unlike
to Bob Ray, Toby Ben or Hamilton Camp for instance. Andy Robinson recorded a
second album entitled "Break Out Of The City" on Janus in 1970 which
I've never got the chance to hear.
Andy Robinson - Ballad of a Summer Girl
From 1966-1970, I was one of the show hosts (I
think they still call them "dj's" there today) at college radio
station WONY in Oneonta, NY. While the station was essentially a Top
40 formatted station, those of us on the air occasionally had a variety of
album tracks and/or single releases (45's) from those albums sent to us by
record companies. (Yes, we actually played vinyl records, because no one had
even dreamed of mp3 tracks back then.)
In 1968, we featured almost every track on the
album Patterns of Reality by Andy Robinson. According to a comment in Rate
Your Music, "Andy Robinson was originally from Philadelphia. Patterns Of Reality was
recorded in L.A.
in 1968 and is full of well-crafted songs that hang together well." The
songs weren't just a clear-voiced guy and his guitar; some were fully produced
with piano and orchestra strings.
His songs became extremely popular with men and
women listeners alike on WONY. The lyrics of his songs were compelling in the
sense that they made you think about yourself and your relationships with other
people without ever being preachy. And, as strange as it may sound, Andy's
songs had an unusual way of making you forget all about time while you were
listening. THAT takes real talent. Andy recorded a second album entitled Break
Out Of The City in 1970 which I've never seen or heard. This lost song was
the single we played that was very popular with WONY listeners. It still sounds
good today.
Andy Robinson - Nothing Could Be Better
Andy Robinson - vocals
Artie Butler - piano, organ
Lincoln Mayorga - harpsichord, piano
Jim Gordon - drums
Earl Palmer - drums
Carol Kaye - bass
David Cohen - guitar
Dennis Budimir - guitar
Al Casey - guitar
Ken Watson - percussion
Gene Estes - percussion
Victor Feldman - percussion
Gary Coleman - percussion
Sid Sharp - violin
Bill Nuttycombe - violin
Sam Boghossian - viola
Jesse Ehrlich – cello