Εδώ έχουμε να κάνουμε με ένα πολύ αξιόλογο δείγμα Βρετανικής ψυχεδέλιας που στην Ελλάδα ήρθε πρώτα αν δεν κάνω λάθος με το cd της DROP OUT Records (DOCD 1987, έγχρωμο δισκάκι με στάμπα το εξώφυλλο και ένθετο με το εξώφυλλο σε μεγάλη διάσταση). Έκτοτε βγήκαν διάφορες επανεκδόσεις.
Οι Art μπορούμε να πούμε ότι ήταν ο προάγγελος των Spooky Tooth αφού τον επόμενο χρόνο μετά την κυκλοφορία του δίσκου τους άλλαξαν όνομα με την προσθήκη του Gary Wright.
Ο δίσκος ξεκινά δυνατά, με το πολύ καλό I Think I'm Going Weird (εμένα η φωνή μου θυμίζει Black Sabbath), ακολουθεί η καλή διασκευή του For What It's Worth των Buffalo Springfield, το κλασικό Βρετανικό ψυχεδελικό δείγμα Room With a View, το μάλλον Αμερικάνικου στυλ Love Is Real (μου αρέσει ιδιαίτερα), αλλά και το επίσης πανέμορφο Talkin' to Myself (τι όμορφο που είναι να τα λες όλα σε 1 λεπτο και 39 δεύτερα).
In 1967 the members of the Carlisle, UK band the VIP's (already signed to the UK Island Records label) were convinced to change their name to ART (a most presumptious name at the dawn of the Age of Flower Power!) and under the production of Guy Stevens, they created an album that "almost worked." Supernatural Fairytales was a strange hodge-podge of psychedelicized covers (including a song by the Young Rascals and the Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth") and numerous self-penned originals (e.g.,"Rome Take Away Three," "Flying Achors"). The problem was that despite being more than competent musicians, they had to rely on the vocals of Mike Harrison, whose soulful voice was strong but not terribly flexible. The songs on the album, thus, had a sameness about them that seemed to doom the band to permanent obscurity. Then, in 1968 American-born Gary Wright joined the fold and with him was born SPOOKY TOOTH. In his vocal sound was found the counterbalance needed to sustain the group.
Mike Harrison (piano, Vocals),
Luther Grosvenor (Guitar, Vocals),
Greg Ridley (Bass),
Mike Kellie (Drums),
1 I Think I'm Going Weird 3:19
2 What's That Sound 2:47
3 African Thing 4:04
4 Room With a View 3:38
5 Flying Anchors 2:40
6 Supernatural Fairy Tale 3:34
7 Love Is Real 3:18
8 Come on Up 3:01
9 Brothers, Dads and Mothers 3:27
10 Talkin' to Myself 1:39
11 Alive Not Dead 2:12
12 Rome Take Away Three 3:00
Οι Art μπορούμε να πούμε ότι ήταν ο προάγγελος των Spooky Tooth αφού τον επόμενο χρόνο μετά την κυκλοφορία του δίσκου τους άλλαξαν όνομα με την προσθήκη του Gary Wright.
Ο δίσκος ξεκινά δυνατά, με το πολύ καλό I Think I'm Going Weird (εμένα η φωνή μου θυμίζει Black Sabbath), ακολουθεί η καλή διασκευή του For What It's Worth των Buffalo Springfield, το κλασικό Βρετανικό ψυχεδελικό δείγμα Room With a View, το μάλλον Αμερικάνικου στυλ Love Is Real (μου αρέσει ιδιαίτερα), αλλά και το επίσης πανέμορφο Talkin' to Myself (τι όμορφο που είναι να τα λες όλα σε 1 λεπτο και 39 δεύτερα).
In 1967 the members of the Carlisle, UK band the VIP's (already signed to the UK Island Records label) were convinced to change their name to ART (a most presumptious name at the dawn of the Age of Flower Power!) and under the production of Guy Stevens, they created an album that "almost worked." Supernatural Fairytales was a strange hodge-podge of psychedelicized covers (including a song by the Young Rascals and the Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth") and numerous self-penned originals (e.g.,"Rome Take Away Three," "Flying Achors"). The problem was that despite being more than competent musicians, they had to rely on the vocals of Mike Harrison, whose soulful voice was strong but not terribly flexible. The songs on the album, thus, had a sameness about them that seemed to doom the band to permanent obscurity. Then, in 1968 American-born Gary Wright joined the fold and with him was born SPOOKY TOOTH. In his vocal sound was found the counterbalance needed to sustain the group.
Mike Harrison (piano, Vocals),
Luther Grosvenor (Guitar, Vocals),
Greg Ridley (Bass),
Mike Kellie (Drums),
1 I Think I'm Going Weird 3:19
2 What's That Sound 2:47
3 African Thing 4:04
4 Room With a View 3:38
5 Flying Anchors 2:40
6 Supernatural Fairy Tale 3:34
7 Love Is Real 3:18
8 Come on Up 3:01
9 Brothers, Dads and Mothers 3:27
10 Talkin' to Myself 1:39
11 Alive Not Dead 2:12
12 Rome Take Away Three 3:00
A great post! Many thanks for sharing this with us...
Στό'χω ξαναπεί, δέν υπάρχει άλλος να σε κοντράρει!
Πώς λέμε ''σύλλογος μεγάλος, δέν υπάρχει άλλος''; ΑΥΤΟ.
...many thx for posting this!!
Gracias gracias gracias. Pense nunca lo iba a encontrar
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