«Ξεσκονίζοντας» αναμνήσεις της νεότητας, έπεσα σήμερα το απόγευμα σε ένα από τους ιδιαίτερα αγαπημένους μου δίσκους. Για χρόνια το μόνο που διέθετα ap;o toyw Growing Concern ήταν μια ταλαίπωρη TDK κασέτα, η οποία ευτυχώς την ώρα που «μασήθηκε» από το κασετόφωνο, την αντικατέστησα με το δίσκο. Όσοι τυχών θυμούνται το 7+7 στο Μοναστηράκι στα ντουζένια του, θα θυμούνται ίσως το «μέσα» δωμάτιο. Κάποια Κυριακή πρωί έπεσα πάνω στο άνοιγμα της κούτας με το γνωστό Γρηγόρη Βάιο, με πρώτο δίσκο τους Growing Concern (ανατύπωση)… Ούτε όνειρο να ήταν. Ευτυχώς βέβαια βγήκε και σε cd αργότερα για να σωθεί ο δίσκος μου.
Τον θεωρώ από όλες τις απόψεις ένα εξαιρετικό δίσκο από τον οποίο δεν μπορώ να ξεχωρίσω κάποιο κομμάτι. Μία ηχητική ψυχεδελική απόλαυση που ξεκινά από το πρώτο μέχρι το τελευταίο κομμάτι με την ίδια υψηλή ποιότητα. Με λίγα λόγια δίσκος διαμάντι.
Δυστυχώς όπως αναφέρεται και στο κείμενο παρακάτω σχεδόν τίποτα δεν είναι γνωστό για αυτούς παρά μόνον ότι αναγράφεται στο οπισθόφυλλο του δίσκου.
What little we know is largely pulled from the LP liner notes, which in typical Mainstream fashion don't really have a great deal of detail.
Although virtually nothing is known of Growing Concern, their only album (Mainstream, 1969) is an enjoyable piece of West Coast psychedelic pop. The opening track “Hard, Hard Year” is perhaps the best on the album. The song opens with some melodic guitar work, which is joined first by bass, and second by some excellent keyboards. The song also featured beautiful female vocal harmonies from group members Bonnie MacDonald and Mary Garstki. This song largely set the style for the remainder of the album. “Edge of Time” featured some excellent lead guitar work, as did “Tomorrow Has Been Cancelled.” “A Boy I Once Knew Well” was a folky lament which again featured fine vocal harmonies, keyboards, and guitar work. The group’s version of “Mister You’re a Better Man than I” was done in a similar style, and is an interesting take on the Yardbirds original. The group also covered Steve Stills’s “Sit Down, I Think I Love You, based on the Buffalo Springfield original rather than the more baroque hit version by The Mojo Men. The entire album is characterized by fine male and female vocal harmonies, excellent keyboard playing, and occasionally fine guitar work. Overall, The Growing Concern album is a quite good blend of folk rock, pop, and psychedelia.The band surely deserved a better fate than the obscurity to which they were consigned by the bizarre business practices of the Mainstream label. One of the few LPs we'll come right out and say is a "must own" for psych fans.
Mary Garstki (Vocals),
Pete Guerino (Guitar, Vocals),
Bonnie McDonald (Vocals),
Don Passaglia (Keyboards,Vocals),
John Pedley (Bass),
Ralph Toms (Guitar),
Ralph Williams (Drums)
1.) Hard Hard Year (L. Ramsford)
2.) Edge of Time (Dan Passaglia)
3.) Tomorrow Has Been Cancelled (John Pedley - Ralph Toms) -
4.) A Boy I Once Knew (John Pedley - Ralph Toms)
5.) All I Really Want (Dan Passaglia)
6.) Mister You're a Better Man Than I (M. Hugg)
7.) What Kind of Life (Dan Passaglia)
8.) Other Side of Life (Fred Neil)
9.) I Know a Girl (Dan Passaglia)
10.) Sit Down I Think I Love You (Stephen Stills)
Τον θεωρώ από όλες τις απόψεις ένα εξαιρετικό δίσκο από τον οποίο δεν μπορώ να ξεχωρίσω κάποιο κομμάτι. Μία ηχητική ψυχεδελική απόλαυση που ξεκινά από το πρώτο μέχρι το τελευταίο κομμάτι με την ίδια υψηλή ποιότητα. Με λίγα λόγια δίσκος διαμάντι.
Δυστυχώς όπως αναφέρεται και στο κείμενο παρακάτω σχεδόν τίποτα δεν είναι γνωστό για αυτούς παρά μόνον ότι αναγράφεται στο οπισθόφυλλο του δίσκου.
What little we know is largely pulled from the LP liner notes, which in typical Mainstream fashion don't really have a great deal of detail.
Although virtually nothing is known of Growing Concern, their only album (Mainstream, 1969) is an enjoyable piece of West Coast psychedelic pop. The opening track “Hard, Hard Year” is perhaps the best on the album. The song opens with some melodic guitar work, which is joined first by bass, and second by some excellent keyboards. The song also featured beautiful female vocal harmonies from group members Bonnie MacDonald and Mary Garstki. This song largely set the style for the remainder of the album. “Edge of Time” featured some excellent lead guitar work, as did “Tomorrow Has Been Cancelled.” “A Boy I Once Knew Well” was a folky lament which again featured fine vocal harmonies, keyboards, and guitar work. The group’s version of “Mister You’re a Better Man than I” was done in a similar style, and is an interesting take on the Yardbirds original. The group also covered Steve Stills’s “Sit Down, I Think I Love You, based on the Buffalo Springfield original rather than the more baroque hit version by The Mojo Men. The entire album is characterized by fine male and female vocal harmonies, excellent keyboard playing, and occasionally fine guitar work. Overall, The Growing Concern album is a quite good blend of folk rock, pop, and psychedelia.The band surely deserved a better fate than the obscurity to which they were consigned by the bizarre business practices of the Mainstream label. One of the few LPs we'll come right out and say is a "must own" for psych fans.
Mary Garstki (Vocals),
Pete Guerino (Guitar, Vocals),
Bonnie McDonald (Vocals),
Don Passaglia (Keyboards,Vocals),
John Pedley (Bass),
Ralph Toms (Guitar),
Ralph Williams (Drums)
1.) Hard Hard Year (L. Ramsford)
2.) Edge of Time (Dan Passaglia)
3.) Tomorrow Has Been Cancelled (John Pedley - Ralph Toms) -
4.) A Boy I Once Knew (John Pedley - Ralph Toms)
5.) All I Really Want (Dan Passaglia)
6.) Mister You're a Better Man Than I (M. Hugg)
7.) What Kind of Life (Dan Passaglia)
8.) Other Side of Life (Fred Neil)
9.) I Know a Girl (Dan Passaglia)
10.) Sit Down I Think I Love You (Stephen Stills)
Thanks You for share this one. It's great. Your blogs is great.
Thanks you again.
Situated somewhere between the Mamas and the Papas and early Jefferson Airplane. So it's well worth a listen. Thanks again for uncovering a great album!
απολυτη ψυχεδελεια απο την αρχη μεχρι το τελος.thanks
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