Είναι αναντίρρητο γεγονός ότι οι Βρετανοί Octopus ήταν φανατικοί θαυμαστές των Beatles. Φωνητικά (σε μερικά κομμάτια νομίζεις ότι ακούς τον Μακάρτνεϊ π.χ. το Girlfriend) και στυλ μουσικής τους θυμίζουν πάρα πολύ αν και υπάρχει και ένα κομμάτι που σου θυμίζει εντονότατα 10 cc (Summer). Γεγονός όμως επίσης είναι ότι παρά το γεγονός ότι βγήκαν δεκάδες για να μην πω εκατοντάδες copy group των Beatles, οι Octopus ξεχωρίζουν μακράν από τον συρφετό. Δεν μπορώ να τους κατατάξω στα ψυχεδελικά συγκροτήματα αν και η εισαγωγή του δίσκου αφήνει κάπως τέτοιες προσδοκίες.
Στο cd της See For Miles Records (SEE CD 328) που έχω υπάρχουν δύο bonus tracks
Originally named The CORTINAS, this mid-60's Hatfield quartet was discovered by The TROGGS' soon-to-be bassist Tony Murray and Nigel Olssen, destined to be Elton JOHN's regular drummer. It is Murray who eventually introduced the band to producer Larry Page, The TROGG's manager, and by 1968 OCTOPUS had earned a support spot to a promising young band called YES. They also got booked into the Marquee Club, toured Europe, shared the stage with HUMBLE PIE and STATUS QUO among others, and in 1970 released a first-rate pop album titled "Restless Night"; unfortunately, however, it failed to attract much enthusiasm outside their hometown. They stuck together for a while and then decided to split up in 1972. Their keyboard player John Cook later joined MUNGO GERRY whereas bassist Nigel Griggs and drummer Malcolm Green, both moving to Australia, eventually became members of SPLIT ENZ.
Στο cd της See For Miles Records (SEE CD 328) που έχω υπάρχουν δύο bonus tracks
Originally named The CORTINAS, this mid-60's Hatfield quartet was discovered by The TROGGS' soon-to-be bassist Tony Murray and Nigel Olssen, destined to be Elton JOHN's regular drummer. It is Murray who eventually introduced the band to producer Larry Page, The TROGG's manager, and by 1968 OCTOPUS had earned a support spot to a promising young band called YES. They also got booked into the Marquee Club, toured Europe, shared the stage with HUMBLE PIE and STATUS QUO among others, and in 1970 released a first-rate pop album titled "Restless Night"; unfortunately, however, it failed to attract much enthusiasm outside their hometown. They stuck together for a while and then decided to split up in 1972. Their keyboard player John Cook later joined MUNGO GERRY whereas bassist Nigel Griggs and drummer Malcolm Green, both moving to Australia, eventually became members of SPLIT ENZ.
1 The River (4:26)
2 Summer (3:05)
3 Council Plans (3:37)
4 Restless Night (4:02)
5 Thief (3:38)
6 Queen and the Pauper (3:39)
7 I Say (1:54)8 Johns' Rock (2:40)
9 Rainchild (3:05)
10 Tide (5:37)
Bonus tracks
11 Girlfriend (2:54)
12 Laugh At The Poor Man (3:14)
Man, here I left you the Front - Back covers of APPLE.
thanks alot
thanks for this one and the mind garage, far out man!! great blog,cheers from oz
Hello - any chance for a reup on Restless Night by Octopus?
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