To Texas μάλλον έχει την τιμητική του σήμερα αφού και αυτή η μεγάλη μπάντα ήταν από την ίδια περιοχή. Στο Houston στα 1966 έκανε την εμφάνισή της μία folk μπάντα με τον όνομα Bostwick Vines. Ένα χρόνο μετά μετακόμισαν στην «μητρόπολη» της ψυχεδέλιας, το San Francisco αλλάζοντας ταυτόχρονα και το όνομά τους σε Fever Tree. Η συνέχεια περιελάμβανε 4 Lp’s τα οποία και ανέβασα.
Η «γνωριμία» μου με τους Fever Tree έγινε πριν πολλά χρόνια λόγω της διασκευής του Hey Joe που θεωρώ κορυφαία όλων όσων έχω ακούσει (περιττό να αναφέρω ότι στο μπαράκι παίζει τακτικότατα) . Ένας συνδυασμός παίρνω το θάρρος να πω, μεταξύ της διασκευής των Music Machine, των Violent Wing και των Love. Εκτιμώ ότι έκλεισαν με άριστο τρόπο μία απόλυτα θετική παρουσία τους στα 60’s.
Βέβαια οι δημιουργίες των Fever Tree μπορεί ουσιαστικά να σταμάτησαν στο Hey Joe αλλά πρωτύτερα είχαν προηγηθεί έξοχες δημιουργίες (π.χ. το τρομερό San Francisco Girls, το πανέμορφο She Comes In Colours των Love κ.λ.π.) για αυτό θα πρότεινα να ακουστούν όλα τα Lp’s.
Although mostly known for their 1968 anthem of psychedelia "San Francisco girls (return of the native)", Fever Tree recorded some of the most interesting psychedelic rock albums of the late 60's. Formed in Houston, Texas from the ashes of the band Bostwick Vine by Dennis Keller (vocals), Rob Landes (keyboards, flute and more), E.E.Wolfe lll (bass), Michael Knust (guitar) and John Tuttle (drums. After releasing two unremarkable singles in 1967 that both flopped, they enlisted producers/songwriters Scott and Vivian Holtzman. With them they recorded their legendary debut album, which included the near-hit (no.91) single San Francisco girls. Their unique brand of psychedelic rock filled with classical experiments was recieved well, and two similar albums followed in 1968 and 1970. Major sucess still eluding them, most of the bandmembers threw in the towel. In 1970 they recorded a fourth and last album, For sale. Largely played by session men (inc. Kevin Kelley ex-Byrds) the abum was a disappointing and predictable mainstream pop album, and a commercial disaster. The band officially called it quits after that, later to be reformed for a short while by Michael Knust backed by a brand new line-up. Their first three albums are still considered by many sixties fanatics some of the best and most overloked of that genre, managing to combine the psychedelic sound of the San Francisco bands like Jefferson Airplane with symphonic experiments and hard rockin guitars .
Dennis Keller - vocals
Michael Stephen Knust (March 11, 1949 - September 15, 2003) - guitar
Rob Landes - synthesizer, organ, piano
E.E. "Bud" Wolfe - bass guitar
John Tuttle - drums
Η «γνωριμία» μου με τους Fever Tree έγινε πριν πολλά χρόνια λόγω της διασκευής του Hey Joe που θεωρώ κορυφαία όλων όσων έχω ακούσει (περιττό να αναφέρω ότι στο μπαράκι παίζει τακτικότατα) . Ένας συνδυασμός παίρνω το θάρρος να πω, μεταξύ της διασκευής των Music Machine, των Violent Wing και των Love. Εκτιμώ ότι έκλεισαν με άριστο τρόπο μία απόλυτα θετική παρουσία τους στα 60’s.
Βέβαια οι δημιουργίες των Fever Tree μπορεί ουσιαστικά να σταμάτησαν στο Hey Joe αλλά πρωτύτερα είχαν προηγηθεί έξοχες δημιουργίες (π.χ. το τρομερό San Francisco Girls, το πανέμορφο She Comes In Colours των Love κ.λ.π.) για αυτό θα πρότεινα να ακουστούν όλα τα Lp’s.
Although mostly known for their 1968 anthem of psychedelia "San Francisco girls (return of the native)", Fever Tree recorded some of the most interesting psychedelic rock albums of the late 60's. Formed in Houston, Texas from the ashes of the band Bostwick Vine by Dennis Keller (vocals), Rob Landes (keyboards, flute and more), E.E.Wolfe lll (bass), Michael Knust (guitar) and John Tuttle (drums. After releasing two unremarkable singles in 1967 that both flopped, they enlisted producers/songwriters Scott and Vivian Holtzman. With them they recorded their legendary debut album, which included the near-hit (no.91) single San Francisco girls. Their unique brand of psychedelic rock filled with classical experiments was recieved well, and two similar albums followed in 1968 and 1970. Major sucess still eluding them, most of the bandmembers threw in the towel. In 1970 they recorded a fourth and last album, For sale. Largely played by session men (inc. Kevin Kelley ex-Byrds) the abum was a disappointing and predictable mainstream pop album, and a commercial disaster. The band officially called it quits after that, later to be reformed for a short while by Michael Knust backed by a brand new line-up. Their first three albums are still considered by many sixties fanatics some of the best and most overloked of that genre, managing to combine the psychedelic sound of the San Francisco bands like Jefferson Airplane with symphonic experiments and hard rockin guitars .
Dennis Keller - vocals
Michael Stephen Knust (March 11, 1949 - September 15, 2003) - guitar
Rob Landes - synthesizer, organ, piano
E.E. "Bud" Wolfe - bass guitar
John Tuttle - drums
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